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Full Council Meetings

Quarterly Meetings take place in March, June, September, and December throughout the State. VTDDC’s Executive Committee may schedule additional meetings if necessary; these are publicly noticed on this website. Members of the public are welcome to attend any Council or committee meeting. See below for more details or call 1 (802) 828-1310.

At Quarterly Meetings Council members and staff talk about local and national issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families, review VTDDC's budget, make funding decisions, participate in brief trainings related to current laws and practices, and invite grantees to share the outcomes of their community projects. Every five years, VTDDC members have the additional responsibility of developing a Five-Year State Plan that will guide how the Council uses its resources. The Council is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and evaluating the Executive Director.


Executive Committee Meetings

An illustration of a document with a briefcase.The Executive Committee generally meets on the first Monday of every month.  Per VTDDC’s By-Laws, it includes the Council President,  Vice-President, the most recent Past President if still a member, and up to four members who are appointed by the Council President. Sixty percent of the Executive Committee must be people with developmental disabilities and/or family members.

The purpose of the Executive Committee is to ensure smooth Council operations. The Executive Committee monitors VTDDC’s budget and ensures the timely filing of federal reports. It provides the Executive Director with an annual performance evaluation and sets the agenda for full Council meetings.

The Executive Committee is may act on behalf of the full Council in emergency matters when the full Council cannot meet.

Other Committee Meetings

An illustration of three documents side-by-side, each with minor differences.

The Policy Committee generally meets by conference call on the second and fourth Monday of every month during the legislative session. It meets once a month when the legislature is out-of-session.  Per VTDDC’s By-Laws, it consists of at least five members and includes at least one member from the Executive Committee. The purpose of the Policy Committee is to oversee the development, implementation, and revision of a public policy platform consistent with VTDDC’s Five Year State Plan.

The Program Committee meets roughly six times a year. Meetings are scheduled as needed. Per VTDDC’s By-Laws, it consists of five members and includes at least one member from the Executive Committee. The purpose of the Program Committee is to support the Council in achieving the Goals and Objectives of the Five-Year State Plan.

The Membership Committee meets as needed. Per VTDDC’s By-Laws, it must have at least two members. The purpose of the Membership Committee is to review applications and recommend appointments to the full Council.


Please email if you'd like to learn more about our committees, meetings, and attending as a member of the public.