VTDDC is at the State House closely monitoring policy that could impact Vermonters with developmental disabilities...
The Legislature left town without fixing Vermont’s broken Special Education Panel. Federal law requires every state to have a Special Education Advisory Panel. The law requires that a majority of the Panel be individuals with disabilities or parents of individuals with disabilities. Vermont is not complying – at last count, of the 14 members, only 2 or 3 were individuals with disabilities or parents of individuals with disabilities.
Both the House and Senate passed a bill requiring Vermont’s Special Education Advisory Panel to comply with the federal requirements for such panels by September 2019. Unfortunately, the bill did not become a law this session. The Council is working with partner organizations to explore other ways to address this issue before next session.
Contact Sue, VTDDC's Senior Planner and Policy Analyst, by email for more details on what the Council is doing this legislative session: