Through an electronic newsletter the Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council (VTDDC) has made a commitment to keep Vermonters informed about Legislative issues that will affect those in the disability community.
The Legislative Week-in-Review highlights several opportunities to advocate for disability rights, explains why you should care, and provides a date, time, and location. VTDDC also uses this online summary to highlight to individuals or organizations who came to the Statehouse to educate policy makers on behalf of the disability rights movement.
Council members asked VTDDC staff to come up with a short, user-friendly publication focused on disability-related matters at the Statehouse. They wanted to make sure that self-advocates and family members were spared the difficult task of reviewing committee calendars at the legislature's official website.
"People want to be heard at the Statehouse, but it’s hard to know where to direct your energy. We hope our Legislative Week-in-Review will help inspire action in self-advocates and family members so that they can address issues that matter to them." - Kirsten Murphy, Executive Director of the Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council
The style of the weekly Legislative update may look familiar, and that's because it is. The new electronic newsletter is for those who've already subscribed to VTDDC's Council Connections. It will run every week until the end of the 2020 Legislative Session (around May 8, 2020).
Do you have suggestions to make our Legislative Week-in-Review better? Please let us know at vtddc@vermont.gov
Good things come to those who subscribe.
Share the link with your friends so that they'll never miss a chance to advocate for the things that matter most.
Side notes:
- Finally! Get the information you want in just a few minutes. The weekly update has custom graphics and clear outlines that are as eye-catching as they are informative.
- The House Human Services Committee recently listened to testimony from self-advocates, professionals, and allies about the proposed changes to developmental services.