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NOW ACCEPTING Request for Proposal's

Man with a vision and mobility impairment types numbers.


The Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council is pleased to accept proposals for the research and analysis of the barriers, opportunities, and trends impacting the employment of Vermonters with disabilities in the current State economy. Proposals may target one phase of a multi-stage project, but must result in materials – a preliminary report, infographics, etc. – that present a significant set of findings. The successful applicant should anticipate working with government sources, including the Vermont Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Department of Labor, to collect quantitative data. The inclusion of qualitative data is welcome but optional. The project may include all disability sub-types, but must include developmental disabilities, as defined in 42 USC 15,001 et seq (2000).

Estimated Procurement Schedule Date

RFP release date: June 17, 2019
Vendor questions due: June 20, 2019
VTDDC’s response to questions: June 24, 2019
Proposals due: June 26, 2019, 5 p.m.
Selection notification: June 28, 2019
Proposed start date for grant agreement or contract: On or before September 30, 2019 (subject to approval by the State of Vermont)

Downloadable Materials

All materials related to this Request for Proposal were merged into one file - this includes the 1) Request for Proposal [RFP], 2) Attachment C, the Standard State Provisions, 3) Attachment E, the Business Associate Agreement, 4) Attachment F, Agency of Human Services' Customary Grant Provisions, and 5) VTDDC's 2017-2022 Five-Year State Plan Goals and Objectives.