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Leadership Series

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The Vermont Leadership Series trains Vermonters with developmental disabilities, and their family members, to be advocates for positive social change. Lessons include steps to be a leader, how to get your point across, and key issues in disability rights.

An illustration of the Vermont State House with three people around it.These workshops are comprised of short talks, panels, and lots of hands-on, interactive activities. Trainers model advocating with legislators, ways to promote positive attitudes about disability, and inclusive practices that harness the strengths of all.  Activities are designed to help participants build new partnerships and increase each new leader’s commitment to making Vermont a better place to live for people with disabilities.

As nationally known self-advocate, Chester Finn, said one year at Leadership,  "Your motto should be 'If I don't do it, who will?'"

  • There are several handouts to read on what participants expected last season:


Leadership is for Vermonters with diverse experiences of disability.

  • Examples include:
    • Parents who support a son or daughter of any age with a developmental disability.
    • Adults living with intellectual or other disabilities who want to challenge themselves to speak up and learn new skills.
    • Sisters, brothers, and grandparents who are growing into their role supporting a family member with a disability.


How do I apply to become a candidate for participation?

We encourage everyone to apply.

A special graduation ceremony is held each year to honor and celebrate the hard work of series participants.

The series is sponsored by the Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council and Vermont Family Network, with support from Green Mountain Self-Advocates, the Vermont Department of Health, and the UVM Center on Disability and Community Inclusion.


An illustration of Leadership Series graduates walking to the Vermont State House.

Downloadable Documents seen on this page: